Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
There is lot of catching up to do on the blog and have put together some ideas for future columns.
Go Heels,
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
UTR Training: Shoulder Care
Here is a great link to anyone interested in learning how to prevent the ever-common shoulder injuries that occur from pitching in this game.
It is written by Alan Tyson; who, as I have mentioned before, is the most knowledgeable physical therapist I have been around.
It's a great read. Hope it helps!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Bullpen Report: #5
Number of Pitches: 35
1-Repeat the delivery and armslot
2-Work down in the zone and to both sides of the plate with both fastballs and changeups
3- Keep the back foot square; no matter how unnatural it feels.
4- Execute 3 out of 5 3-2 counts
5- Trust the shoulder and work at 75-80% intensity
Pitches: 1-5: Stretch- 2 FB Gloveside, 2 FB Armside, 1 Change-up Armside
Pitches: 6-10: Windup- 2 FB Gloveside, 2 FB Armside, 1 Change-up Armside
Pitches: 11-15: Stretch- 2 FB Gloveside, 2 FB Armside, 1 Change-up Gloveside
Pitches: 16-20: Windup- 2 FB Gloveside, 2 FB Armside, 1 Change-up Gloveside
Pitches: 21-25: Stretch- 2 FB Gloveside, 2 FB Armside, 1 Change-up Armside
Pitches: 26-30: Strech- All 3-2 Counts- FB Glove, Arm, Glove, Change-up Glove, Arm
Pitches: 31-35: Simulated Hitter-FB glove, FB arm, Change arm, FB glove, Change arm- Done
Overall, I am very pleased with the progress I have been able to make from one bullpen to the next. Like I have mentioned in previous posts, coming back from surgery is full of winning (and occasionally losing) small battles. Whether mental or physical, there are constantly battles. Today's battle was my ri

Fortunately, as soon as I focused on squaring my foot flush against the rubber, I felt and saw immediate results. My natural tendency is to land with my left foot 3-4 inches closed off from a straight line to home plate. So, you can imagine how challenging it would be to consistently spot a low and away fastball (to a righty) with my right heel turned in; aiming me just behind the right handed batter's box.
I can best describe it as if a golfer were trying to hit a straight drive down the left side of the fairway and aiming both feet toward the rough on the right. Pretty tough; at least, if he has any desire to be consistent. So, like I said, once my foot was squared away, it was so much easier to hit that spot down and away to righties.
Another battle that I am starting to win is the battle to trust my shoulder. I have been pain free (not full "game strength") for the past four bullpens and have been fortunate to continue feeling the progress. There is no doubt that this battle is mental, and it is being won because of the time put forth preparing prior to spring training. Had I not put the time in and/or worked with the guys at Architech Sports religiously while in Charlotte, this battle could be taking a much longer time (according to other guys having gone through this). Am I there yet? No; but, I can't complain after today.
Got to keep grinding.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Taking a Page From Rivera's Book
Written By: Buster Olney
More than a half-century ago, Satchel Paige offered his "Rules for Staying Young" in an article in Collier's magazine. Mariano Rivera is 40 years old now, and as he heard those rules recited in the Yankees' clubhouse Friday, he laughed at Paige's unique list, and at Paige's wit.
- Avoid fried meats which angry up the blood.
- If your stomach disputes you, lie down and pacify it with cool thoughts.
- Keep the juices flowing by jangling around gently as you move.
- Go very light on the vices, such as carrying on in society -- the social ramble ain't restful.
- Avoid running at all times.
- And don't look back -- something might be gaining on you.
- You have to get your rest. You have to get your eight hours of sleep. (Rivera says he tries to make sure he is asleep within two hours after a game.)
- No alcohol, or light alcohol at most. (Rivera said he used to drink just a little when he was younger but now doesn't drink at all.)
- Run all the time. (Editor's note: Sorry, Satch, but Ol' Mo disagrees with you here). Rivera does 10-12 sprints from line to line every day, along the outfield wall, and then shags fly balls aggressively before games -- power shagging. When Rivera was younger, some advance scouts who watched him run around center field during batting practice were convinced he was one of the best center fielders in the AL.
- Avoid fried foods. "I know what Satch is saying there," he said. "I just don't feel good when I eat that stuff."
- Stretch every day.
- Respect others the way you want to be respected, and respect the game. And if you do that, everything will pretty much take care of itself.
- Make time for others (he loves it when young players come up and ask for advice).
- Try to pray every day. "I have a connection with the Big Man," said Rivera, and he wasn't talking about George Steinbrenner. Rivera does his praying in the morning most of the time, but he finds he has that conversation throughout the day.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Bullpen Report: #4
It isn't tough to be good from time to time in sports. What's tough is being good everyday.
-Willie Mays
Number of Pitches: 30
Pre-Pen Goals: Increase the intensity t0 about 75%, work down in the zone/miss down with fastball, mix in change-ups with same fastball arm-slot, and work pain free.
Sequence: (All Fastballs)
Pitches 1-5: From the Set; 2 fb glove side, 2 fb armside, 1 change up
Pitches 6-10: Windup; 2 fb glove side, 2 fb armside, 1 change up
Pitches 11-15: Set; 2 fb glove side, 2 fb arm side, 1 change up
Pitches 16-20: Windup; 2 fb glove side, 2 fb arm side, 1 change up
- Shoulder felt strong and "put together."
- It was the first time since surgery that I have thrown 5 straight days pain free.
Needs improvement:
- On a fastball or two, had a tendency to overthrow a bit and get away from mechanics. Causing my fastball to miss up and in to a righty.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Bullpen Report: #3
"I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed." -Michael Jordan
Date: February 16, 2010
Number of Pitches: 30
Pre-Pen Goals: Again, repeat a slower version of my delivery that allows my arm to stay on time, work down in the zone, resist the urge to see how hard I can throw, and work pain free.
Sequence: (All Fastballs)
Pitches 1-8: From the Set; 4fb glove side, 4 fb armside
Pitches 9-18: Windup; 4 fb glove side, 5 fb arm side
Pitches 19-25: Set; 2 fb glove side, 2 fb arm side, 1 fb glove side
Pitches 26-30: Set: 3-2 counts, 2 fb glove side, 2 fb arm side, 1 fb glove side
- Pain free
- Didn't work down in the zone as much as Bullpen #2, but good enough.
- Good job repeating delivery/release point
- Good downward plane on fastballs
- Arm stamina continues to improve
Needs improvement:
- As always, I need to continue to work on trusting shoulder a) after hands have broken from glove and b) after release and begin to decelerate; finish the pitch
- Continue to resist the urge to throw harder; stay with the process
- Direction: my front side (shoulder) has a tendency to open up and fall towards first a hair. I need to do a better job of staying closed and taking it straight to the mitt.
In my experience through these seven months of rehabbing my shoulder, I have learned that there are three types of days: Days where you feel like you've taken a step back, days where you are taking a step forward, and days where you feel like you've stayed the same. Today, I felt as though I stayed the same. The only thing is, staying the same is not taking a step backwards; and, I have to keep reminding myself of that.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Bullpen Report: #2
Bullpen Report: #2
Date: February 12, 2010
Number of Pitches: 26
Pre-Pen Goals: Repeat a slower version of my delivery that allows my arm to stay on time, work down in the zone, resist the urge to see how hard I can throw, and work pain free.
Sequence: (All Fastballs)
Pitches 1-5: From the Set; 2fb glove side, 2fb arm side, 1 fb glove side.
Pitches 6-10: Set; 2 fb glove side, 2 fb arm side, 1 fb glove side
Pitches 11-15: Windup; 2 fb arm side, 2 fb glove side, 1 fb arm side
Pitches 16-20: Windup; 2 fb arm side, 1 fb glove side
Pitches 21-23: Set; 2 fb arm side, 1 fb glove side
Pitches 24-26: All simulated 3-2 counts, from the set; fb glove, fb arm, fb glove
- No scar tissue "clicks"
- Worked down well
- Good job repeating delivery/release point
- Good downward plane on fastballs
- Good arm stamina
-Much better job of commanding the intensity of my delivery
Needs improvement:
- Continue to work on trusting shoulder- a- after hands have broken from glove
b- after release and begin to decelerate; finish the pitch
- Continue to resist the urge to throw harder; stay with the process
- Finished too much on first base side at times; focus on taking my front hip and shoulder to the mitt.
- Overall, today was much more productive as far as working toward getting back to game speed. It is a constant battle to want to be ready now and to test my arm. I have to remind myself that it is only February 12th, and I am only 7 months out of surgery on my shoulder. Gradually increasing the intensity is the way to go, and I saw that today in how much better the ball felt coming out of my hand. At times, I missed up and in to righties. Keeping my front shoulder closed a hair longer and maintaining good direction to the mitt should reduce that in future pens.
Realistically, though, today was right what I wanted. As I've learned in the rehab process, though, tomorrow guarantees you nothing. Got to keep grinding.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
UTR Training: The Bodyblade

Predominantly, I use the Bodyblade to strengthen the small muscle group on the back of my shoulder. There are many ways to do this. One calls for the pitcher to balance on his landing leg, keep his push-off leg extended back, and his throwing arm extended forward. From this position, he shakes the blade for increments of 10-15 seconds, rests, and then continues again.

(Picture #2 is similar to the position I am describing)
Without getting scientific or technical, it is important that we pitchers strengthen the rear muscles in our shoulder. These muscles are responsible for decelerating the arm after we release the ball. Many arm injuries occur from muscle imbalance. This is where the muscles in the front of the shoulder are far stronger than those in the rear. A pitcher's front shoulder muscles are used to accelerate the arm. If the intensity/strength of acceleration is greater than the strength to decelerate, odds are high for arm injuries down the road.
As a point of reference, I have been told that for every 1 "push" lift that works the front of the shoulder, a pitcher should do 3 "pull" or rear shoulder exercises.
Here is a description of the Bodyblade via www.bodyblade.com. I highly recommend this piece of equipment to any pitcher out there looking to strengthen and/or stabilize their shoulder.
Bodyblade, the patented, revolutionary workout system for fast, effective muscle strengthening, power development, stabilization and toning, was invented by California physical therapist, Bruce Hymanson. Hymanson sought to create an exercise regimen that would train the muscles around the shoulders without forcing the joint to initially go through a wide range of motion, thus minimizing pain. Bodyblade's oscillating motion forces the shoulder muscles, as well as hundreds of other muscles, to contract 270 times a minute.
Hymanson has taken this efficient yet effective movement and incorporated it into more than thirty expandable exercises designed to not only rehabilitate, but also provide a fast and fun workout routine for individuals of all ages and abilities. Since it hit the market in 1991, Bodyblade's reception has been tremendous—more than a half-million units have been sold worldwide.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Bullpen Report: #1
Bullpen Report: #1
Date: February 9, 2010
Number of Pitches: 21
Pre-Pen Goals: Repeat a sound delivery, work down in the zone at 50-75% intensity, and work pain free.
Sequence: (All Fastballs)
Pitches 1-5: From the set; 2fb glove side, 2fb arm side, 1 fb glove side.
Pitches 6-10: Windup; 2 fb glove side, 2 fb arm side, 1 fb glove side
Pitches 11-15: Set; 2 fb arm side, 2 fb glove side, 1 fb arm side
Pitches 16-18: Windup; 2 fb arm side, 1 fb glove side
Pitches 19-21: Set; All simulated 3-2 counts; 1 fb arm side, 1 fb glove side, 1 fb armside
- Pain free shoulder
- Worked down well
- Good job repeating delivery/release point
- Good downward plane on fastballs
- Good arm stamina
Needs improvement:
- Slow delivery to 75% speed and keep arm speed at 75%
- Trust shoulder- a- after hands have broken from glove
b- after release and begin to decelerate; finish the pitch
- Intensity- resist the urge to throw harder; stay with the process
-Alignment- stay through the pitch and maintain direction to the mitt.
- Overall, I was pretty pleased with the work I got in today. It is important in this game to set realistic goals and to be honest without being overly critical. My first goal was to pitch pain free; that was the biggest goal and that was accomplished. Unless a pitcher can pitch healthy, nothing else matters. My intensity level (within the 50-75% range) was good about half of the time and needs to be better next time. As far as my delivery, slowing it down will allow my arm to work better at a lower intensity. Trying to go through a bullpen session with a game speed delivery and 50% arm speed can cause you to create irregular habits. By keeping everything the same intensity, my delivery will stay the same, and I will be able to work it up to game speed in sync.

Note: This diagram is for right-handed pitchers. Left-handed pitchers will be the opposite.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
UTR Interview: Evan Scribner
For this Under The Radar Interview, I had the opportunity to get up with a good buddy of mine in the San Diego organization, Evan Scribner. "Scrib" was acquired by San Diego in a trade with the Arizona Diamondbacks for 1B Tony Clark. Since being drafted in the 28th round out of Central Connecticut State, Scrib has done nothing but put up numbers at every level he has faced. In 2009, he was an All-Star closer for the AA San Antonio Missions of the Texas League. He is a prime example of how you can be successful by repeating your delivery, commanding your fastball, and challenging hitters on the inner-half.
That being said, here is the interview:
UTR: What is the best advice, in terms of the mental side of the game, that you have ever received?

ES: Keep it simple. This advice is something I definitely live by when I’m pitching. The fewer things I have to think about or focus on, the more I can trust myself and trust my "stuff". Whenever I find myself thinking about mechanics or anything other than how to get this certain batter out while I’m on the mound is when I get in trouble.
UTR: What do you do to overcome stretches in your career when you haven't been as successful or after a bad outing?
ES: After a bad outing I’m always very down. I’m very hard on myself, and it always seems like the world is going to end or something. Then I gather my thoughts, and I force myself to realize that its only one outing; and, it’s not the "end of the world". I have to look at the big picture. I think about why I was unsuccessful and learn from it. That’s when I realize that in the long run this outing will make me a better pitcher. Stay positive.
UTR: When you are most successful? What takes place?
ES: Usually I have good outings when I’m able to get ahead in the count and throw my off speed for strikes. Again, I like to keep it simple; so, this is all I really worry about when I’m warming up for an outing. However, it’s always a different story from the bullpen to the game; so, it’s important for me to remember to stick with the game plan while I’m in the game.
UTR: What is the mechanical aspect you focus on the most?
ES: My biggest problem since I’ve been in high school is flying open. This usually starts when I’m trying to do too much, which goes back to keeping it simple. When I fly open, I lose control of my location; which causes me to be up in the zone and fall behind in the count. This is something I force myself to fix before I go into the game because, if I’m trying to fix it during an outing, it's usually to late.
UTR: Over the course of your career, which hitter has been the toughest out?

ES: Chris Carter (AA Midland, Oakland Athletics)
UTR: What advice do you have on reading a hitter's stance or swing?
ES: When it comes to reading hitters' stances, again, I like to keep it simple. I try to pitch to my strengths not to the batter's weaknesses; so, I don’t pay much attention to hitters' stances unless it’s something very obvious. Things like how far a batter stands off the plate or if the batter's stance is open or closed are things I will only look for if the batter is doing one of them to an extreme. My reads are simple: too far off the plate or too much of an open stance = outside with fastballs and more off speed. Right on the plate or too much of a closed stance = bust him in.
UTR: Is there anything, in particular, that you do between outings that helps prepare you for your next start/relief appearance?

ES: As a reliever, I never know when my next outing is going to be; so, there isn’t much I can do to prepare for my next outing on a consistent basis. Sometime, I will have an outing that will last a couple of innings; then, I will know that I’m not going to be on the card the next day. After an outing like that, I will make sure I get a good lift in after the game (mostly legs); and, the next day I will do long distance run before BP to flush my body (especially my arm). Otherwise, most of my preparation comes during the game. Things like a snack in between the 3rd and 5th inning and stretching/band work a half inning before I warm up are things I do to make sure I’m well prepared for an outing.
UTR: Is there a pitcher that you grew up watching or aspiring to be like? If so/not, why?
ES: David Cone was somebody I liked to watch growing up being a Yankee fan. I liked the way he used his curveball and his ability to locate his fastball. When I was growing up, I even used to drop down on some pitches like he did. Also, Mariano Rivera, another Yankee, is someone who I definitely aspired to be like. I don’t have the same stuff as his, obviously. I don’t think anybody does; but, his mental ability to be cool under pressure is something I aspire for completely.
UTR: Do you tell yourself or do anything different in pressure/big situations?
ES: Again, I try to keep it simple. I try to relax and pitch my game because there’s really nothing else I can do. When things feel like there getting out of hand or I really need an out, I take a deep breath and focus on the task at hand. I don’t let anything else get in the way.
-Many thanks to Evan for taking the time to sit down and do an interview for Under the Radar. His knowledge and experience should have a great impact on those who read the blog.

Saturday, February 6, 2010
UTR Training: The TRX
Here is a video of Drew Brees endorsing the TRX and showing you some of the workouts:
--For the record, this is not an advertisement in which I receive any sort of compensation. It's simply a piece of equipment that I feel the everyday pitcher may not be aware of, and should be. It's especially for guys searching for a way to take their fitness one step further.
Let me know if you pick one up and try it out.

Thursday, February 4, 2010
UTR Interview: Andrew Carignan

Oakland Athletics
When trying to decide on a relief pitcher to interview, it was a no-brainer to try and get up with my former teammate, roommate, and current closer with the Oakland Athletics, Andrew Carignan. Carignan is the all-time saves leader at UNC, as well as a AA All-Star with the Midland Rock Hounds of the Texas League in 2008. I have played with a lot of great relievers over the years; but, AC is without a doubt the most consistently dominant at his craft. Here's the interview:
UTR: You have a a reputation as being a pretty intense closer. What goes through your mind as you enter a ball game?
UTR: What it is the best part of closing out a save opportunity?
AC: The best part is being able to slam the door on the other team. They have their last chance to mount a comeback and everyone in baseball says the hardest 3 outs to get are the last 3. Essentially, my job is to get the hardest outs of the game; to get my team and the starting pitcher the win.
As far as throwing on the off day goes, it all depends on how I feel. If my arm feels good, I usually like to get a normal day of throwing in and then stretch it out if I still feel really good once i get out to 120 feet. At that point, I bring it in to 60 feet and work on my off speed pitches; and, if my arm still feels strong, I usually work on the pitches that I am not happy with a little more than normal.
UTR: Over the course of your high school, college, and professional career, who has been the toughest guy to get out?
AC: Matt Wieters.
UTR: Mechanically, is there something that you focus on or remind yourself of on a consistent basis?
AC: It really depends on the season. I am always tweaking and reworking my mechanics to try to make them better. I would say, overall, it is to make sure that I keep my weight over the rubber because I tend to leak my front side. When my front side leaks and my weight is going forward too soon, it causes my arm to have to catch up to my body and creates an inconsistent arm slot; which causes me to be inaccurate.
AC: It is not easy at that point. It was almost surreal; like I couldn't believe it actually happened. In that instance, its really difficult to not look ahead at what will happen "when" you win the game. It is very much a cliché in baseball to say "one pitch at a time and one out at a time;" but, it is very true. As difficult as it is, you have to be able to focus on one batter at a time and one pitch at a time. But... in the event that you do give up a homerun in the top of the 9th inning to put your team down, you need to step back, take a deep breath, and realize that you still have a job to do. I managed to get out of the inning without any more damage and then got bailed out by my teammate...and still got to celebrate.
UTR: What are the traits you like/respect the most in a catcher?
AC: I was a catcher growing up. I didn't really start pitching until my junior year in high school; so, I have some strong opinions on my battery mates. Basically, it boils down to catchers knowing their job. A catcher’s job is defense; it is to be the general on the field, but also to be the general of the entire pitching staff. Hitting for a catcher is extra and should take a backseat to defense and to knowing everything there is to know about every pitcher on the staff. Know all of their pitches, how comfortable they are throwing each pitch in each count, know what their out pitch is. Pay attention to the pitching coach and know that if a particular pitcher has a problem with letting their front shoulder fly open, causing them to throw the ball high and arm side, realize that, and take a quick trip to the mound. Tell them that to save a trip for the pitching coach. Also, know what kind of mentality every pitcher has. If he is a "head case" who is going to let a few questionable strike calls get under his skin, go out and calm him down before he pisses off the umpire by showing him up; causing him to get less calls. Similarly, know if a particular pitcher likes to work fast and has a gamer mentality and would get really pissed at you by taking meaningless trips and messing up his rhythm. Is this a lot to ask? It may be; but, all of the best catchers in the big leagues are like this. The thing about being a "pitcher's catcher" is that it doesn't take the freak abilities. All it takes is hard work and concentration; so, anyone with a good head on their shoulders can do it.
UTR: What is the one piece of advice you would give young, aspiring closers?
AC: To have a short memory and to have all of the confidence in the world in yourself every time you are on the mound. If you don't have those two things as a closer, you aren't going to accomplish all that you want to. If you are named your team's closer, it is because your coaches and teammates trust you in that role; so,don't forget that. Baseball is a game of failure which means that every time a pitcher succeeds, the hitter fails; and, every time the hitter succeeds, the pitcher fails. You aren't going to succeed every time. Hitters succeed sometimes, too, unfortunately; and, if that happens and there is a 3-2 ballgame the next day, you are going to be in there. If you are still thinking about the previous night, it is not going to go well.
UTR: You have thrived in a lot of adverse situations throughout your career. What do you think enables a pitcher, mentally, to thrive under pressure?
AC: It is an extreme confidence in me; with a little cockiness or arrogance mixed in. You also have to love to pitch in the pressure situations. I live for the pressure. I love it, and to me it is boring to pitch when there is nothing on the line. As a result, the confidence and the love of intense competition are what allow me to succeed in pressure situations.
I really appreciate Carignan taking his time to sit down and do an interview for the blog. Not only will his experience as a dominating closer benefit many of the readers; but, also, his experience as a former catcher.
LHP’s: Control The Running Game
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
So, You Want to Play Professional Baseball?
The day (Monday January 25th) started out with a 6:30 "New Slang" by the Shins alarm. It was moving day. As a minor league baseball player, you can fit all that you need in life into two suitcases. Some days you pack with the excitement of a promotion...or making the trip home. Others, you pack with the anxiety of having to say "goodbye" or "see you in a few months". Yesterday was one of the "others".

At 7am, it was time to head to the airport in Charlotte. Accompanying me was my girlfriend, Karena, and in the car behind us my mom, Susan. Both Karena and my mom have both done the "goodbye" day before, so it isn't quite as hard; but, there is a distinct sadness in the thought of both the distance that is about to separate us as well as the uncertainty as to when we'll see each other next. It was a somber car ride to Charlotte Douglas, needless to say.
By 7:45, it was time to say goodbye. It gets easier; but, it never gets easy. When you're hugging the ones you love at this moment, you try and soak up every second. You try and take one last mental image or think of one more reassuring thing to say and lighten the mood. However, the goodbye is inevitable, and there is a rent-a-cop telling you to move your vehicle.
Leaving that curb is, without a doubt, the worst part of the day.

Come 8:50am EST, it is take-off time. After dropping $60 for bags and grabbing a middle seat, its' time for the first flight of the day: 3 hours to Houston.
I got into Houston at 11am CST and didn't have time to get the BBQ I was looking forward to. There was only time to catch my connector.
11:35am CST: I flew out of Houston on a 3 hour flight to Phoenix.
At 2 pm MST, I landed in Phoenix. This is where the fun started. After grabbing my two, 50 pound bags from baggage claim, I had to grab a Super Shuttle and head to Peoria to find an apartment. Thats correct, I flew to Phoenix with no definite place of residence. Plan B was a night at the La Quinta in Peoria; but, after spending roughly 150 nights in 2009 there, I was going to do everything in my power to not let that happen.
After a 20 minute wait for the Super Shuttle, it was time to continue the journey. Four others and I hopped in the shuttle and made our way to Peoria. Now, normally, it is a 15-20 minute drive from Phoenix to Peoria; but, not when you are a minor league baseball player who needs to find an apartment before 5pm. An hour and a half later, I made it to Camden apartment complex.

- I will add (so I don't come off as a completely unprepared slacker) that I had called ahead a few days earlier and been told that numerous units were available; so, it wasn't completely blind faith.
Once I was finished initialing and signing the next 2+ months of my life away to Camden, the snowball had gained speed and at 5pm, I had an apartment.
While signing the paperwork at Camden, I had called a buddy of mine, Mike Demark. At 5 PM MST, Demark scooped me from Camden and took me to pick up the car of the guy that is going to be staying with me through Spring Training. From this point on, a bunch of necessary errands were run. Here is the time line:
5:15- Pick up roommate (Evan Scribner's car)

5:25- Go to Evan's storage unit, smooth talk/beg the manager to let us in the gate.
5:30- Illegally give Scrib's password and go to storage unit
5:31- Grab bed frame, mattress and other miscellaneous items from Scrib's storage unit.
5:35- Drive to new apartment with mattress and bed frame on top of vehicle with only my left arm and Demark's right arm holding them down to the roof. (the car is a 2001 Maxima)
5:40- Move stuff into apartment.
6:00- Walmart trip
6:45- Trader Joe's trip
7:30-Unload stuff, put sheets on mattress, unpack clothes
8:30-Cook dinner/realize there is nowhere to sit and no TV to watch
9:00 (12am ET)- Done for the day.
At the end of the day, I felt pretty good about what I had accomplished; but, when thinking of the months that lie ahead, there was a lingering feeling of already missing my family and friends.
This profession I have chosen enables me to experience triumphant moments, meet extraordinary people, and play a game for a living that I have played since I was 5 years old.
However, it is also a profession that guarantees you nothing, promises you no clear path or stability, and takes you far away from those you love the most.
At the end of the day yesterday, I asked myself again, "Is it worth it?"
Friday, January 22, 2010
UTR Interview: Andrew Miller

Florida Marlins
Link to Player Profile
True Story: In the summer of 2004, Miller pitched for the Chatham Athletics of the Cape Cod Baseball League. He was in the middle of a pretty standard start for that summer, punch-outs and goose eggs; except that one punch-out stood out among the rest. It was against a right-handed hitter who began the at-bat by attempting to sacrifice bunt a runner to 2nd base. Here is how nasty this guy was that summer:
1st Pitch: Fastball, 96 up and in. The guy whiffs on a bunt, and the ball hits him squarely in the chest for strike 1.
2nd pitch: Slider, 87. It started down the middle and took a hard right, directly into the hitter's chest...after he whiffed on another bunt attempt. Strike 2.
3rd pitch (The guys in the bullpen are already dying laughing): Slider, 86. The batter recognizes the pitch starting out over the plate only to realize that it is another slider coming right at him. However, it is too late. He is already committed to swinging, and when he does, he misses and the pitch wears him in the back of the leg. Punch-out...and pretty comical to say the least.
I've played with some guys that were flat out born to throw a baseball, but Miller tops them all. His ball has a different kind of sink, a different kind of gitty-up, and coming from his low 3/4 slot, a different kind of gross. Here is an inside look at one of the best lefties in the game.
AM: I would say that the great pitchers have separated themselves from good pitchers by eliminating and working on their weaknesses. You would never talk about a "great" pitcher and his lack of control or weak secondary pitches. I would say that "great" pitchers are generally complete pitchers. Also, great pitchers are mentally strong and have an ability to keep their emotions in check. All of these things seem cliche but I believe they are true.

UTR: Your slider has always been a very tough pitch on lefties. How would you describe your grip, and what goes into making that such a good pitch for you?
AM: My slider is basically a curveball grip that has a more horizontal break as a result of my low arm slot. There is nothing funny about my grip or my approach in throwing it. I feel that when I am having a lot of success with my slider it is because I am able to control the break and the speed of the pitch based on the hitter and the count and what I want to accomplish with that particular pitch. For example, I may throw a slower, bigger breaking slider to a lefty early in the count for a strike and then follow that up with a harder slider off the plate with more depth later in the count when I need a strikeout. It's rarely that easy, but when things are going well, I feel like I have the ability to do that. On the other hand, some days my feel for that pitch is lacking and the approach is much simpler.
UTR: You've pitched in some big games over the course of your career. What advice do you have for younger pitchers on how to handle pitching in big games?
AM: I would say treat every game the same. Develop a routine which you follow for every game whether it is a scrimmage, midweek college game or world series game. If you try to change your approach and routine based on how important the game is, your emotions will be much harder to keep in check. Find what works and stick with it.

UTR: What is the mechanical aspect that you focus on the most with your delivery?
AM: Unfortunately for me, this is what I feel like I have been battling with for the last couple of years. There is a very fine line between having good thoughts and having too many thoughts. I think the best way to approach this is to know of a few thoughts that you can use depending on the adjustment you need to make. For example, if I continue to miss up in the zone and arm side (which happens quite often for me), I generally know that I'm rushing my delivery and that I need to keep my legs under me and slow down my delivery.
UTR: Since you debuted in the Major Leagues in 2006, who has given you the best advice and what was it?
AM: It's hard to think of a specific piece of advice as I have met so many great people with great pitching minds and had the opportunity to pick their brains. I will never forget the dinner I had with Sandy Koufax last year when I was able to hear him talk about pitching as I just did my best to soak it all in (which was almost impossible to do because the whole time I was sitting there all I could think about is "Wow, I'm having dinner and talking pitching with Sandy Koufax!"). It was interesting to hear his theories on pitching and how they varied from modern thinking and teaching about pitching. Everything he said made perfect sense and was physiologically broken down. He told me a story about how he used to practice throwing his curveball by having the catcher hold mitt his facing the sky so he could practice having the ball drop into the glove or how he would set a cardboard

UTR: Other than your two home ballparks with the Tigers and the Marlins, which ballpark & city have been your favorite to pitch in?

AM: I am definitely partial to Yankee Stadium (the old one, I haven't been to the new one) because that's where I made my debut. It was the most amazing feeling to stand on that mound and look around. The upper deck was right on top of you like no other stadium I've been to. Anytime I've gotten to pitch in front of a packed stadium has been amazing. It is so much fun to be out there when the crowd gets loud. Other stadiums I've liked are Fenway (so cool when the crowd sings Sweet Caroline), the Metrodome (loudest place I've been by far), and Seattle (probably the best newer park). Really though, any stadium with a sell out crowd is amazing.
UTR: Who is the best pitcher you've played with or against in the Big Leagues, and what do you think makes him so good?
AM: It's hard to say who is the best overall. I'll go with best performances... Kenny Rogers' run in the 2006 postseason for Detroit was unreal. Justin Verlander's no hitter was so much fun to watch from the dugout. I remember looking at the scoreboard in the second inning to make sure he hadn't given up a hit yet because his stuff was that amazing that night. You could just tell early on that it was going to be special. When he hit 102 mph in the 9th inning I think that solidified it as something that will be hard to top. I love watching any lefty, but especially when guys like Cliff Lee, Johan Santana, and Cole Hamels have their change-ups going.
UTR: During stretches in your career, where you haven't been as satisfied with your results, what do you tell yourelf or do to overcome and work through them?
AM: Just keep working hard and keep throwing the ball. Practice, practice, practice.
UTR: Many pitching coaches have differing opinions on whether pitchers should or should not long toss. What are your thoughts on long tossing?
AM: While I think everyone is different and should tailor a program to themselves, I think long tossing is the best way to strengthen your arm. I also think the best way to prevent arm injuries is to have a strong arm which you achieve by throwing as much as you can. That's just my two cents though.
UTR: Which hitter has been your toughest out over the course of yo

AM: Hitters that can waste pitches and foul off good pitches are the most frustrating for me. I will never forget the first time I faced Johnny Damon and I thought I threw him the perfect slider a few times throughout the at-bat and he just fouled them off. Also, guys like Vladimir Guerrero where there is no good scouting report aren't any fun to face. Chase Utley is a guy that I have to face quite a bit right now who is extremely tough to get out. He stands closer to the plate than anybody in the majors and can cover the plate so well with a great eye. Just a tough out.
-Many thanks to Andrew Miller for taking the time to share some of his knowledge and experience in the game with the blog. From top to bottom, there is a lot of great advice in there.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Talking Counts
Here are my thoughts on what I consider the most important counts for a pitcher:
0-0: Throwing first pitch strikes is critical for a pitcher and his pursuit of success. After a game, take a look at a pitcher's 1st pitch strike percentage and you can make a pretty good guess as to what kind of day he had. According to MLB stats, hitters hit .317 when they are in a 0-1 count. However, they hit .339 in 1-0 counts. As a pitcher, this is huge because it allows you to have many more options for the remainder of the count. Once you fall behind 2-0, the statistics say that hitters average a heavy .351. Worst case scenario after a pitcher gets to 0-1, he falls to 1-1 and hitters only improve from .317 to .325. Not much of a difference, and you are still in the count.
1-1: In my opinion, this is the most important count for a pitcher. Throwing a strike here is enormously important and here is why: As I mentioned, in this count, hitters average .325. If a pitcher is able to get ahead with another strike, the hitter's batting average drops considerably to .177! As a result, a pitcher puts himself in a great position to win the at-bat. However, if a pitcher is unable to throw a strike on 1-1 and falls t0 2-1, batters hit .337. I was a Communications major while in school at UNC, and steered clear of the Math department, but that is a difference of .160 between 1-2 and 2-1 counts; suggesting that you're twice as likely to succeed if you work the count to 1-2. From a pitcher's perspective, it can really wear on you when you fall behind 2-1, requiring that you follow it with a great pitch. Instead of putting the hitter away, you have to come back and do it again on 2-2.
2-1: A hitter's count. Hitters hit .337 in this count and, on top of that, it is a great time to hit and run for the batter's team. This is important. If you're a pitcher, think about how many times you gave up a double play ball right at the 2B or SS in that situation, only to have him covering second base. Once that happens, you're left with runners on first and third with less than 2 outs, versus 2 outs and nobody on. As a result, at a 2-1 count it becomes vital to have the ability to throw a 2nd or 3rd pitch for a strike. The better your ability as a pitcher to do this, the better your fastball will look to a hitter. If you're going to get to a 2-1 count, you need your fastball to be as good as possible. Otherwise, drop in a slider or change and get back to 2-2. If you get to 2-2, you are back in the count. Hitters hit .194 in this count; giving you plenty of options. However, if you fall behind 3-1, you are looking at a .355 average for hitters. A difference of .161! Now I know what you are thinking, there is a greater variance between 2-2/3-1 than 2-1/1-2. Thus making 2-1 arguably the most important count. However, I believe if a pitcher consistently gets to 2-1, he is more likely to struggle and be pulled from a game sooner than the pitcher who consistently gets to 1-1. That pitcher gives himself the ability to go deep into a game.
0-2- If you consistently get here, you will consistently succeed. In my experience, you get here (a) with fastball command (down and to both sides of the plate), (b) command of a 2nd and 3rd pitch, and c) changing speeds. It is plain and simple. MLB hitters hit .162 in this count. It starts with 0-1, and virtually finishes with 0-2. It's easier said than done; but, get here and you will have total control of the count. It's like when Shoeless Joe said to Moonlight Graham in this count, "a hitter has to watch out for low and away, but be careful of his ear."

Sunday, January 10, 2010
UTR Interview: Daniel Bard

AAA- 1-0 1.13 ERA, 6 saves, 16 inn, 6 H, 2 ER, 2 HR, 5 BB, 29 K, 16.31 K/9
MLB- 2-2 3.65 ERA, 49 app, 1 save, 49.1 inn, 41 H, 20 ER, 22 BB, 63 K, 11.49 K/9
LINK: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReW1Gaw5bkI&feature=related
In this game, there are guys who are blessed to be as good as they are, and there are guys that work to get where they are. Charlotte, N.C. native Daniel Bard is a true example of both. Yes, he is a player with rare physical abilities; but, it is his desire to succeed and better his game that have allowed him to achieve all that he has. I had the privilege of getting up with Bardo for some questions for Under the Radar. Hope you guys will benefit from this as much as I have.
UTR: At what point in your life did you a) realize that you wanted to be a Major Leaguer and b) realize that it was an achievable goal?
DB: As crazy as it sounds, I think I truly wanted to be a Major League baseball player since I was 5 or 6 years old. My dad played minor league baseball, so it was always a very real and plausible thing for me. I honestly had no other plans in life as far as what I wanted to do when i grew up because my mind was so set on becoming a big leaguer. There were definitely times when I was 13 or 14 years old when I was not nearly the best player on my team, but I just chalked it up to the fact that I figured I was a "late bloomer". I kept working with the mentality that I just needed to make myself a little bit better each day, not focusing on the ultimate goal of reaching the big leagues, and over time, you realize that you're making huge strides toward that goal.
UTR: Mechanically with your delivery, what is the thing you focus on the most?
UTR: Which hitter over the course of your career was/is the toughest out?
UTR: You hear some guys say it is better to pitch to contact and then others talk about trying to miss bats? Which do you prefer and why?
UTR: You have one of the most respected catchers' in the game, Jason Varitek, as your catcher. What kind of impact did he have with you on settling in Boston?
UTR: Do you have any advice for guys on how to handle pitching in "big" games?
UTR: What drives, or motivates you to be successful in this game?
Many thanks to Bardo for taking the time to answer some questions for the blog. There is no doubt that his advice and experience can have a great impact on other pitchers' game and their ability to succeed.