Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bullpen Report: #2

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” -Calvin Coolidge

Bullpen Report: #2

Date: February 12, 2010

Number of Pitches: 26

Pre-Pen Goals: Repeat a slower version of my delivery that allows my arm to stay on time, work down in the zone, resist the urge to see how hard I can throw, and work pain free.

Sequence: (All Fastballs)
Pitches 1-5: From the Set; 2fb glove side, 2fb arm side, 1 fb glove side.
Pitches 6-10: Set; 2 fb glove side, 2 fb arm side, 1 fb glove side
Pitches 11-15: Windup; 2 fb arm side, 2 fb glove side, 1 fb arm side
Pitches 16-20: Windup; 2 fb arm side, 1 fb glove side
Pitches 21-23: Set; 2 fb arm side, 1 fb glove side
Pitches 24-26: All simulated 3-2 counts, from the set; fb glove, fb arm, fb glove


- No scar tissue "clicks"
- Worked down well
- Good job repeating delivery/release point
- Good downward plane on fastballs
- Good arm stamina
-Much better job of commanding the intensity of my delivery

Needs improvement:
- Continue to work on trusting shoulder- a- after hands have broken from glove
b- after release and begin to decelerate; finish the pitch
- Continue to resist the urge to throw harder; stay with the process
- Finished too much on first base side at times; focus on taking my front hip and shoulder to the mitt.

- Overall, today was much more productive as far as working toward getting back to game speed. It is a constant battle to want to be ready now and to test my arm. I have to remind myself that it is only February 12th, and I am only 7 months out of surgery on my shoulder. Gradually increasing the intensity is the way to go, and I saw that today in how much better the ball felt coming out of my hand. At times, I missed up and in to righties. Keeping my front shoulder closed a hair longer and maintaining good direction to the mitt should reduce that in future pens.

Realistically, though, today was right what I wanted. As I've learned in the rehab process, though, tomorrow guarantees you nothing. Got to keep grinding.

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